Wednesday, November 2, 2011

San Dimas High School Football Rules!

     Hollywood loves the A- list jock stereotype. Athletes are given special privileges, fudged grades (in their favor, of course), and homework leniency. I used to think this was far- fetched, but in reality, it's not too far off. 

     A few semesters ago, a friend of mine died from an overdose, leaving behind a young wife and child. It was tragic and sickening to ponder. 

    When I received the shattering news, I began scheduling to attend his funeral.  My wife and I were in a Biology class together at the time.

    After class one day, a line formed to talk to the professor. When our turn came, we explained the circumstance and asked if there was any way we could make up for missing the next class. She gave a simple answer: no way, if you decide to miss class, that's your choice. 

    We walked away, dejected and frustrated. Behind us, we overheard the next proposal: an athlete had a game the same day as our funeral and would be missing class. The professor gladly told him what he needed to know for next class and reassured him he would not miss any attendance credit. 

     I do not respect this professor. 

     So back to the stereotype- athletes do receive preferential treatment. I have several professors who are very strict on attendance, but you will not lose attendance credit if your absence is related to a school sport. 

     I understand athletes are representing our school, blah, blah, blah... but honestly, I just don't care. If everybody else has to plan extracurricular activities around their work and school schedules, I think they can do the same. 

     Maybe they have to travel to the next game? I guess they could just leave after school like the rest of us do when we have to travel somewhere. Or they could lose attendance credit if they decide to leave sooner. 

     You know, like the rest of us do. 

     Even if something is "school sanctioned," it is still a choice. You don't have to be on a school team, so if you choose to wear the jersey, you choose to miss class. 

     I'm not anti- athletics, I just expect equal treatment for all students. 

     How's this for a solution: athletes must maintain certain GPAs to play. I say that if the rest of us can maintain the same academic standards, we should be allowed to miss class sans punishment. 

     Our athletes are representing the school, right? And that's why they get to miss class, I suppose. What about this- when they don't represent the school well, they lose credit. You can't miss on the basis of representing us and then misrepresent us! 

     Nobody beat me up, that's a joke. 

     There's gotta be a solution because it drives me nuts that I can't miss class without some sort of punishment, while an elite group of students is allowed to miss for their hobbies. I would love to skip class and go skateboarding, but I understand that attendance is part of my grade. 

     Here's the best solution of all- remove attendance credit. College is not about teaching discipline- it's about learning material. If I can pass an exam and prove I know the class material, it's nobody's business how I learn it. When we pay for our schooling, it should be up to us how we take advantage of it. 

     If somebody never goes to class and fails, that's their choice. I believe I could skip a handful of classes and still do just fine. But thanks to attendance credit, this isn't the case. 

     Maybe I'll sign up for a school sport so I can miss every now and then without losing credit. Then I'll be special. 

If you haven't seen Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, this is your next assignment. Just don't skip class to do it! 


  1. haha, love it. completely agree about ditching attendance in general.

  2. being an athlete, i would have to say we get special treatment. it really isn't fair, and i respect you for writing this.

  3. I was in theatre in high school.. and we never got excused from class for theatre stuff.. even though jocks ALWAYS got excused. I feel as if athletes are always favored by almost every teacher. We HAD to be in class at all times. Even if we were busy with shows. Attendance credit is wicked useless. It doesn't make me want to go to school at all. I agree with you, Tucker. Good points.

  4. I completely agree with this. I get so sick of the athletes getting special treatment over everyone else.I like your solution to the problem.

  5. I'm sick of it too! Stick up for the little people Tucker!

  6. Unfortunately that's where our educational system has gone in this country. Athletics over everything else.

  7. i hate that stereo type. i think its totally un fair

  8. This was the best thing I have read all semester!!!! I agree :)

  9. Amen!! It takes all points of view!

  10. I agree! Great words, I think your idea would be the perfect solution. It would make everything easier and more equal.

  11. I agree to the fullest! This is a great article!

  12. I agree with taking away attendance credit.

  13. I never thought about athletes getting special treatments from professors. I'm going to pay more attention.

  14. Cheyenne was right Tucker, it is the midgets and the dwarfs that we are really concerned about. Stick up for them. As for athletics, don't feel too bad because you don't have to see tons of other dudes naked every day....and they do. Ewwwwwww

  15. Two of my roommates are athletes for Weber and I give them crap about this all the time. Diggin' this article
