Monday, November 14, 2011

It's On Like Donkey Kong

     What is "it?" Getting in shape.

     I was in the best shape of my life just before a roadtrip a while ago. On that trip, my wife and I spent our days sitting in the car and eating junk food. This very quickly destroyed all my hard work of the months before. 

     I used to go to the gym three times a week. It was awesome. Then school started again and my studies took over my life. With the semester winding down, it's time to get back to my routine. 

     This morning, I went to the gym for the first time in weeks. Talk about pathetic. I worked even less than my old regimen, but that was enough to make me physically ill for about an hour after. 

      I guess I have some catching up to do. 

     And what's the worst part? When I'm exercising, I eat better because I don't want to undo all my hard work. But when I'm not exercising, somehow I justify eating every piece of candy and drinking every soda shoved in front of my face. Humans sure think strangely sometimes. 

      Alright, you're probably wondering what the point is. You don't care about me exercising. In fact, I'd prefer that you don't care about me running in place and lifting heavy objects for no apparent reason. It's just not interesting.

      I believe that our bodies teach us very important lessons about our spirits and minds. People need a healthy body, and that requires exercise. How can we exercise our minds and spirits? 

     Reading does for the mind what exercise does for the body, because it makes you think in creative ways- not only do you visualize what is being presented, but hopefully you use critical thinking when you read. Never take anything as a fact- analyze everything. It's good for you. 

     Don't eat any mental junk food. Think about the entertainment we mindlessly indulge in. Is this TV show or website doing anything to help you reach your life goals? Think about it. Don't waste time, because "it's on!" Time to get in shape!  

     And how about a healthy spirit? To start out- just be nice. Loving people is one of the greatest things you can do for your soul. And I'm not talking about being everybody's best friend (that'd be impressive though); just be nice to people. Everybody wants others to treat them well, so why not let it start with you? 

     I challenge you to walk around for a day and think about why every single person you see is just awesome. It can be hard sometimes, but I really believe that each person is amazing in at least one aspect of their lives. Try to see that. 

     Over the last few months, I've been burning myself out with school, so I need to get my mind back in shape. Sorry professors, cramming hasn't been exercising my mind how I'd like it to. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester so I can just relax with a good book and take it easy. 

     My wife calls me a pooper-scooper. I can be a real pain. So spiritually, "it" is also on. I really want to focus on contributing positively to the world around me. If you want to get spiritually ripped, put others before yourself in every way you can think of. It's tough, but what good exercise is ever easy?

    And finally: physically. Time to eat right and torture my body until those dang skinny pants fit right again. Just because I look like a weirdo doesn't mean I don't try to take care of myself. 

     It's on. Are you in?